Usage Intention of Shared Autonomous Vehicles with Dynamic Ride Sharing on Long-Distance Trips


Abbasi MohammadhosseinORCID,Mamdoohi Amir RezaORCID,Sierpiński GrzegorzORCID,Ciari Francesco


Technology advancements have paved the way for public access to shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs), but there is still no travel survey examining how SAVs with dynamic ride sharing (DRS) affect long-distance (LD) trips. Given the growth in these trips and the higher importance of travel time and cost on LD trips, assessing potential impacts of SAVs could be a vital tool in planning for a sustainable transportation system. This paper examines the impact of various attitudinal, sociodemographic, and travel-related characteristics on the usage intention of SAVs with DRS on LD trips. We have designed and conducted a web-based survey for this purpose and based on a representative sample of 723 individuals in 2021, a Generalized Ordered Logit model is estimated. Estimation results highlight the key importance of following psychological factors in a descending order: price evaluation, perceived usefulness, consumer innovativeness, sharing attitude, and privacy concern. Further, key factors among sociodemographic and travel-related characteristics are gender, education level, driving license, household car ownership, generational element, and crash history. These findings provide crucial insights into the likely effects of SAVs with DRS on LD trip behavior, based on which a number of practical implications are proposed for facilitating policy-making.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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