Non-Sensory Perception and Sensory Appeal of Zamnè, PseudoZamnè, Traditionally Cooked Senegalia erythrocalyx Seeds, and Tempeh According to Burkinabe Consumers


Drabo Moustapha Soungalo12ORCID,Traoré Korotimi3,Parkouda Charles3ORCID,Hama-Ba Fatoumata3,Savadogo Aly2ORCID,Raes Katleen1ORCID


1. Research Unit VEG-i-TEC, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Sint-Martens-Latemlaan 2B, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium

2. Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry and Immunology, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou 03 BP 7021, Burkina Faso

3. Department of Food Technologies, Institute of Research in Applied Sciences and Technologies, Ouagadougou 03 BP 7047, Burkina Faso


The lack of adequate knowledge of the culinary and sensory properties of most indigenous and wild foods hampers their promotion in human diets and the market. In the present study, 80 Burkinabe volunteers evaluated the sensory appeal and attributes of three selected Senegalia seed species (Zamnè, pseudoZamnè or Kumatiya, and S. erythrocalyx) and their food formulae (traditionally cooked, harvested as green and fresh legumes, and fermented as tempeh) using the nine-point hedonic scale and check-all-that-apply questionnaire. They found that the traditionally cooked Zamnè, pseudoZamnè or Kumatiya, and derived tempeh had good sensory appeal (scoring between 5 and 7) and subtle alkaline and nutty tastes. However, an appreciable number (32%) of the participants were unaccustomed to tempeh and gave very low scores (2.5–3.4) for all the tempeh products. In contrast, the traditionally cooked seeds of Senegalia erythrocalyx and the green and fresh Zamnè evoked bitter and sour off-tastes, respectively, and were not much appreciated (scoring 4). The present study provides unprecedented insight into consumers’ non-sensory perceptions and the culinary and sensory properties of Senegalia seed foods, which will be essential for their valorization, branding, and marketing.


Ghent University

West Africa Economic and Monetary Union




Plant Science,Health Professions (miscellaneous),Health (social science),Microbiology,Food Science







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