1. Rājayoga: The Reincarnations of the King of All Yogas
2. The Quest for Liberation-in-Life. A Survey of Early Works on Hatḥa and Rājayoga;Birch,2020a
3. Haṭhayoga’s Floruit on the Eve of Colonialism;Birch,2020b
4. Rencontre entre Robert Vachon et Swami Abhishiktananda: Jalon pour un rapprochement entre l’Inde et le Québec;Blée;Synergies Inde,2008
5. John Main on the Practice of Meditation with a Mantra. Resurgence of an Apologetic Exchange regarding its Christian Origin and Hindu Influencehttps://dimmid.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7B3C49C2BE-5759-4877-867A-849CBBBD148E%7D