Headache and Other Pain Syndromes in Multiple Sclerosis: A Narrative Review


Sîrbu Carmen Adella123ORCID,Rotaru Andreea Ruxandra2,Antochi Florina Anca4,Plesa Andreea5,Manole Aida Mihaela5,Roceanu Adina Maria4


1. Clinical Neurosciences Department, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 050474 Bucharest, Romania

2. Department of Neurology, “Dr. Carol Davila” Central Military Emergency University Hospital, 134 Calea Plevnei, 010242 Bucharest, Romania

3. Academy of Romanian Scientists, 050045 Bucharest, Romania

4. Neurology Department, University Emergency Hospital, 050098 Bucharest, Romania

5. Doctoral School, Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 050474 Bucharest, Romania


Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and progressive neurological disease, with an important socio-economic burden. Over time, an increased incidence of headaches like migraines and tension headaches has been observed among these patients. Headaches have not been considered as multiple sclerosis-related symptoms, even representing a red flag for multiple sclerosis diagnosis. It is uncertain whether the headache–multiple sclerosis association could be explained by the presence of common triggers or a common physiopathological mechanism (involvement of tertiary B-cell follicles). An important differential diagnosis is between multiple sclerosis attacks and migraines with aura, which can also be associated with neurological deficits. Another important aspect is the occurrence or exacerbation of the cephalalgic syndrome after the initiation of therapy for multiple sclerosis (DMTs), or the improvement of headache after the initiation of certain DMT drugs. In addition to headaches, individuals diagnosed with multiple sclerosis often report experiencing diverse pain syndromes, contributing to an additional decline in their overall quality of life. These syndromes are frequently neglected, the focus being on slowing down the progression of neurological deficits. This review aims to evaluate the characteristics of multiple-sclerosis-related headaches (frequency, possible correlation with attacks, and disease-modifying therapies) and the key distinctions in imaging characteristics between demyelinating lesions in multiple sclerosis and those observed in cases of primary headaches.


Romanian Neurological Society Foundation










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