Professional Factors Associated with Case Resolution without Referrals of Orofacial Pain Cases to Secondary Dental Care by Telehealth in Brazil: A Cross-Sectional Study in 2019 and 2020


de Barreto Aranha Ricardo Luiz,de Castro Martins RenataORCID,Paixão Ligia Cristelli,de Abreu Mauro Henrique Nogueira GuimarãesORCID


This study aimed to identify professional factors associated with case resolution without a referral of orofacial pain to secondary health care by Brazilian Primary Health Care (PHC) practitioners who demanded asynchronous teleconsulting, stratified by year, in 2019 and 2020 (the COVID-19 Pandemic burst). A cross-sectional study employed secondary databases from asynchronous teleconsulting Telehealth Brazil Networks from January 2019 to December 2020. The outcome was the dichotomous variable “If referral to secondary care was avoided.” As covariates: sex, healthcare professions, and category of orofacial pain doubts. A negative binomial regression model estimated each covariate’s unadjusted and adjusted PR (95%CI) and p values, stratified for 2019 and 2020. There was a difference in descriptive factors associated with case resolution without a referral from 2019 to 2020. Females prevailed in both years, and the total demand decreased to a third from 2019 to 2020. The rate of resoluteness decreased by 19.1%. In 2019, nurses (PR = 0.69 CI 95% 0.57–0.83) and other professionals (PR = 0.84 CI 95% 0.73–0.97) showed less frequency of case resolution without a referral than did general dentists. In 2020, oral-cavity-related doubts (PR = 1.18 CI 95% 1.06–1.32) and temporomandibular disorders (PR = 1.33 95% 1.15–1.54) surpassed other causes of orofacial pain in case resolution without a referral, and female professionals avoided referrals more frequently than men (PR = 1.24 CI 95% 1.21–1.38). In conclusion, in 2019, oral cavity doubts and the PHC profession influenced the case resolution. Female professionals and oral cavity doubts scored the higher case resolution without a referral for the service in 2020.


National Council for Scientific and Technological Development




Paleontology,Space and Planetary Science,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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