Assessing the Spatial Distribution of NO2 and Influencing Factors in Urban Areas—Passive Sampling in a Citizen Science Project in Berlin, Germany


Höhne Annelie1,Schulte Rieke A. A.1,Kulicke Melissa1,Huynh Thu-Trang1,Telgmann Maren1,Frenzel Wolfgang1,Held Andreas1


1. Institute of Environmental Technology, Environmental Chemistry and Air Research, Technische Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany


Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a major air pollutant with diverse impacts on human health and the environment. In urban areas, road traffic is the main emission source for NO2. In Berlin, Germany, a network of measurement stations is operated by the state, fulfilling the monitoring requirements set by the European Union. To get a more detailed overview of the spatial distribution of NO2 concentrations in Berlin, a citizen science project allowed for collection of additional data and an increase in the number of sampling sites. Passive samplers (modified Palmes tubes) were distributed to participants to collect NO2 at a site of their choice. When returned, the samplers were analyzed based on the Griess–Ilosvay reaction and spectrophotometric detection. The results confirmed a seasonal trend of higher NO2 concentrations in winter and lower concentrations during the summer period. Furthermore, the spatially and monthly averaged NO2 concentrations observed in the study period from March 2019 to October 2020 were in good agreement with the average urban background concentration. At small spatial scales, a tendency of decreasing NO2 concentrations with increasing distance from roads was observed. Overall, this study shows the added benefit of extensive low-cost measurements of NO2 concentrations across urban environments in a citizen science project to complement stationary air pollution monitoring networks.


Technische Universität Berlin, TU-interne Forschungsförderung im Strategischen Call “Citizen Science”




Atmospheric Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)

Reference33 articles.

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