Pressurized Chemical Looping for Direct Reduced Iron Production: Economics of Carbon Neutral Process Configurations


Bond Nicole K.1,Symonds Robert T.1,Hughes Robin W.1


1. Natural Resources Canada, CanmetENERGY-Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1A 1M1, Canada


The replacement of the blast furnace—basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF) steelmaking route with the direct reduced iron—electric arc furnace (DRI-EAF) route reduces the direct CO2 emissions from steelmaking by up to 68%; however, the DRI shaft furnace is one of the largest remaining point source emitters in steelmaking. The capital and operating expenses of two potential nearly carbon-neutral DRI process configurations were investigated as a modification to a standard Midrex DRI facility. First, amine-based post-combustion capture with a 95% capture rate was considered as the benchmark, as it is currently commercially available. A second, novel configuration integrated the Midrex process with pressurized chemical looping—direct reduced iron (PCL-DRI) production. The capital expenditures were 71% and 28% higher than the standard Midrex process for a Midrex + amine capture plant, and a PCL-DRI plant, respectively. There was an incremental variable operating cost of USD 103 and USD 44 per tonne of CO2 for DRI production using amine capture and PCL-DRI, respectively. The amine capture configuration is most sensitive to the cost of steam generation, while PCL-DRI is more sensitive to the cost of electricity and the makeup oxygen carrier. An iron-based natural ore is recommended for PCL-DRI due to the low cost and availability. Based on the lower costs compared to amine-based post-combustion capture, PCL-DRI is an attractive means of eliminating CO2 emissions from DRI production.


Program for Energy Research and Development (PERD) at Natural Resources Canada

Government of Canada



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