Interactions between MSTIDs and Ionospheric Irregularities in the Equatorial Region Observed on 13–14 May 2013


Wu Kun1,Qian Liying1


1. High Altitude Observatory, NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80301, USA


We investigate the interactions between medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) and the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) as well as between MSTIDs and equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) on the night of 13–14 May 2013, based on observations from multiple instruments (an all-sky imager, digisonde, and global positioning system (GPS)). Two dark bands (the low plasma density region) for the MSTIDs were observed moving toward each other, encountering and interacting with the EIA, and subsequently interacting again with the EIA before eventually dissipating. Then, a new dark band of MSTIDs moved in the southwest direction, drifted into the all-sky imager’s field of view (FOV), and interacted with the EIA. Following this interaction, a new dark band split off from the original dark band, slowly moved in the northeast direction, and eventually faded away in a short time. Subsequently, the original southwestward-propagating dark band of the MSTIDs encountered eastward-moving EPBs, leading to an interaction between the MSTIDs and the EPBs. Then, the dark band of the MSTIDs faded away, while the EPBs grew larger with a pronounced westward tilt. The results from various observational instruments indicate the pivotal role played by the high-density region of the EIA in the occurrence of various interaction processes. In addition, this study also revealed that MSTIDs propagating into the equatorial region can significantly impact the morphology and evolution characteristics of EPBs.



University of Colorado

NASA DRIVE Science Center for Geospace Storms

National Science Foundation



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