1. The Traditional Songs of the Finnish Romany: Silent Tradition;Romani Studies,2008
2. Thurfjell, David, and Marsh, Adrian (2014). Religious Music and Identity in Finland. Romani Pentecostalism: Gypsies and Charismatic Christianity, Peter Lang.
3. Belišová, Jana (2010). Neve giľa. Nové rómske piesne. [New Romani Songs], Žudro, Ústav Hudobnej vedy SAV.
4. Belišová, Jana (2012). Bašav, more, bašav. Zahraj, chlapče, zahraj. O piesňach slovenských Rómov [Play, Boy, Play. On the Songs of the Slovak Romani], Žudro.
5. Belišová, Jana (2015). Šun, Devla, šun tu man. Počúvaj ma, Bože, počúvaj. Rómske kresťanské piesne a príbehy [Listen to me, God, Listen to me. Romani Christian Songs and Stories], Ústav hudobnej vedy SAV and Žudro.