Holocene Erosional Processes in a Highly Exposed Intertidal Sandstone Reef Inferred from Remote Sensing Data


Ferrer Nicolás1ORCID,Santana Kella2,Martín Javier1,Valdazo José2,Bergasa Oscar2


1. Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (IOCAG-ULPGC), Parque Científico Tecnológico Marino de Taliarte, s/n., 35214 Telde, Spain

2. Elittoral Estudios de Ingeniería Costera y Oceanográfica SLNE, Edificio Polivalente II, Parque Científico Tecnológico, Campus Universitario de Tafira, 35017 Las Palmas, Spain


An intertidal sandstone reef, named barra de Las Canteras, protects the western coast of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria city (Canary Islands, Spain). The beach-reef system of Las Canteras constitutes one of the most valuable coastal geomorphological sites in the archipelago. Stratigraphic studies have identified the formation of the reef in the Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) in a coastal sedimentary paleo-environment. The rock structure is highly exposed to the Atlantic swell and consists mainly of a sandstone beachrock with a medium resistance to erosional processes. However, the historical and current erosion rates and the original extent of the reef are not known to date. This paper explores the geomorphological structure of the reef by combining a topo-bathymetric analysis (obtained by differential GPS, multibeam echosounder and hyperspectral sensor) and the analysis of geomorphological features on high-resolution images, obtained with a hyperspectral camera mounted on a UAV. The results provide a comprehensive, high-resolution image of the subaerial and submerged morphology of the reef. The structure reflects the distribution of erosional fronts and the existence of collapsing submarine blockfields and nearshore, uneroded, remnant reliefs. Detailed analysis of these features allows to estimate the probable original extent of the sandstone reef and to relate the erosional retreat processes to the sea-level dynamics during the Holocene.


Regional Ministry of Territorial Policy, Sustainability and Security

Catalina Ruiz, 2021




General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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