Assisting Drivers at Stop Signs in a Connected Vehicle Environment


Bani Younes Maram1ORCID


1. Department of Information Security and Cybersecurity, Philadelphia University, Amman 19392, Jordan


Road intersections are shared among several conflicted traffic flows. Stop signs are used to control competing traffic flows at road intersections safely. Then, driving rules are constructed to control the competing traffic flows at these stop sign road intersections. Vehicles must apply a complete stop with no motion in front of stop signs. First to arrive, first to go, straight before turns, and right then left are the main driving rules at stop sign intersections. Drivers must be aware of the stop sign’s existence, the architecture of the road intersection, and traffic distribution in the competing traffic flows. This is to make the best decision to pass the intersection or wait for other conflicted flows to pass according to the current situation. Due to bad weather conditions, obstacles, or existing heavy vehicles, drivers may miss capturing the stop sign. Moreover, the architecture of the road intersection and the characteristics of the competing traffic flows are not always clear to the drivers. In this work, we aim to keep the driver aware ahead of time of the existing stop signs, the architecture of the road intersection, and the traffic characteristics of the competing traffic flow at the targeted destination. Moreover, the best speed and driving behaviors are recommended to each driver. This is based on his/her position and the distribution of the existing traffic there. A driving assistance protocol is presented in this paper based on vehicular network technology. Real-time traffic characteristics are gathered and analyzed of vehicles around the intersections. Then, the best action for each vehicle is recommended accordingly. The experimental results show that the proposed driving assistant protocol successfully enhances the safety conditions around road intersections controlled by stop signs. This is by reducing the percentage of accident occurrences. Fortunately, the traffic efficiency of these road intersections is also enhanced; the accident percentage is decreased by 25% upon using the proposed protocol.




Computer Networks and Communications







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