Electron beam additive wire-feed manufacturing of Cu-3wt.%S-0.8wt.%Mn bronze thin wall on a stainless steel substrate has been carried out at heat input levels of 0.19, 0.25, and 0.31 kJ/mm. The microstructures of as-deposited metal ranged from low aspect ratio columnar with equiaxed grain layers to zig-zagged and high aspect ratio columnar, as depended on the heat input. Post-deposition annealing at 900 °C for 6 h resulted in recrystallization of the high aspect ratio columnar grains with further grain growth by boundary migration. Pre-deformation by 10% thickness reduction and then annealing at 900 °C for 6 h also allowed obtaining recrystallized grain structures with less fraction of twin boundaries but higher fraction of high-angle ones, as compared to those of only annealed sample. Pre-deformation and ensuing annealing allowed simultaneous increasing of the ultimate tensile strength and strain-to-fracture.
Russian Science Foundation
General Materials Science
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11 articles.