1. Resolution MEPC.304(72) (Adopted on 13 April 2018), Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, IMO doc MEPC 72/17/Add.1, Annex 11,2018
2. Market-based measures for greenhouse gas emissions from ships: a review
3. Green maritime transportation: Market based measures;Psaraftis,2016
4. Proposal to Include Work on Market-based Measures in the Programme of Follow-up Actions of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy, Submitted by France to the 4th Intersessional Working Group on GHGs, IMO doc. ISWG-GHG 4/2/11,2018
5. Action Plan for Implementing the IMO GHG Strategy and Candidate Measures, Submitted by Antigua and Barbuda, Kenya, Marshall Islands, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Tuvalu to the 4th Intersessional Working Group on GHGs, IMO doc. ISWG-GHG 4/2/3,2018