1. Environment and Remote Sensing Research (EARTH) Laboratory, Department of Physics, De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922, Philippines
2. Applied Research for Community, Health and Environment Resilience and Sustainability (ARCHERS), Center Natural Sciences and Environmental Research (CENSER), De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922, Philippines
3. Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao 5023, Philippines
4. Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 2638522, Japan
5. Department of Physics, Mapua University, 658 Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila 1002, Philippines