Aluminum-Based Plasmonic Photodetector for Sensing Applications


Lyaschuk Yurii1ORCID,Indutnyi Ivan1,Myn’ko Viktor1,Romanyuk Volodymyr1,Mamontova Iryna1ORCID,Redko Roman12ORCID,Dusheyko Mykhailo1ORCID,Savchuk Yelizaveta1,Tochkovyi Vasyl1,Shtykalo Oleksandr1,Kuznetsova Daria1,Mamykin Sergii13ORCID


1. V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 41 Nauky Avenue, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine

2. State University of Information and Communication Technologies, 7 Solomenska Street, 03110 Kyiv, Ukraine

3. Physics Department, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 4 Hlushkova Avenue, 03022 Kyiv, Ukraine


Plasmonic sensors have great potential for widespread usage. However, the prohibitive cost of noble metals restrains the wider adoption of these devices. The aim of our study is to develop a cost-effective Al-based alternative to common noble metal-based plasmonic detectors. We considered a structure consisting of an n-type doped Si wafer with a shallow p-n junction and an overlying Al grating with a trapezoidal groove profile. The RCWA (rigorous coupled-wave analysis) method was used to numerically calculate the distribution of absorbed light energy in the plasmonic detector layers and to optimize the grating parameters. Based on the simulation results, experimental samples of plasmonic photodetectors with optimal grating parameters (period—633 nm, relief depth—50 nm, groove filling factor—0.36, and thickness of the intermediate Al layer—14 nm) were manufactured, and their properties were studied. For these samples, we obtained a polarization sensitivity value of Ip/Is = 8, an FWHM of the resonance in the photocurrent spectrum ranging from 50 to 100 nm, a sensitivity at the resonance maximum of Iph = 0.04–0.06 A/W, and an angular half-width of photocurrent resonance of Δθ = 5°, which are comparable to noble metal-based analogs. Our results may be used for creating cost-effective high-sensitivity plasmonic sensors.


National Research Foundation of Ukraine

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine









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