1. Mental Health: Fact Sheet. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europehttps://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/404851/MNH_FactSheet_ENG.pdf
2. Global Burden of Mental Disorders and the Need for a Comprehensive, Coordinated Response from Health and Social Sectors at the Country Level. Report by the Secretariat, EB 130/9, 1 December 2011https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/EB130/B130_9-en.pdf
3. An analysis of psychiatric services provided to adults in 2010–2014 based on the National Health Fund data
4. Kondycja Psychiczna Mieszkańców Polski. Raport z Badań Epidemiologia Zaburzeń Psychiatrycznych i Dostęp Do Psychiatrycznej Opieki Zdrowotnej—EZOP Polska [Mental Condition of the Polish Citizens. Report of the Study “Epidemiology of Mental Disorders and Access to Mental Health Services—EZOP Poland”],2012