Population and Conservation Status of Bighorn Sheep in the State of Baja California, Mexico


Romero-Figueroa Guillermo1ORCID,Ruiz-Mondragón Enrique de Jesús12ORCID,Shahriary Eahsan3,Yee-Romero Carlos1ORCID,Guevara-Carrizales Aldo Antonio1ORCID,Paredes-Montesinos Rafael1ORCID,Corrales-Sauceda Jesús Miguel1ORCID,Guerrero-Cárdenas Israel4ORCID,Valdez Raul5


1. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada 22860, Mexico

2. Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Asociación Civil, Mexicali 21100, Mexico

3. School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA

4. Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, La Paz 23096, Mexico

5. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88046, USA


The bighorn sheep in Mexico is classified as at-risk by the Mexican federal government. In the state of Baja California, wild sheep can be observed throughout the length of the state from the USA–Mexico border south to the Agua de Soda mountain range. This research aimed to document the historical trend of the bighorn population based on aerial surveys conducted in 1992, 1995, 1999, 2010, and 2021, and the abundance, distribution, and structure of bighorn sheep populations in Baja California, based on an aerial survey conducted from 8–14 November 2021, covering thirteen mountain ranges. The estimated sheep population in 2021 was based on the number of individuals observed; the sightability of the animals; the area sampled; and the total area of habitat available. In 30.5 flight hours, 456 bighorn sheep were observed, with an estimated population of 1697 ± 80 individuals. The observation rate was 16 sheep sighted per hour of flight, and the ram:ewe:lamb ratio was 62:100:19. When the results of the 2021 flight were compared to the results of the previous aerial surveys, there was a large variation between the data, which was related to the lack of consistency between the sampling designs used in each study. Nevertheless, a statistical test of the results of aerial surveys conducted in the state suggest that the Baja California bighorn sheep population remained stable between 1992 and 2021. This study highlights the need to standardize wild sheep aerial surveys by defining flight paths and establishing a consistent duration of flights. On the other hand, Baja California authorities should consider modifying the current conservation strategy for bighorn sheep to increase the species’ population in the state by initiating community-based wildlife conservation programs in rural communities.


Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Fundación UABC, A.C



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