Constitutive Signaling by the Human Cytomegalovirus G Protein Coupled Receptor Homologs US28 and UL33 Enables Trophoblast Migration In Vitro


Davis-Poynter Nicholas,Farrell Helen E.ORCID


Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encodes four homologs of G protein coupled receptors (vGPCRs), of which two, designated UL33 and US28, signal constitutively. UL33 and US28 are also conserved with chemokine receptors: US28 binds numerous chemokine classes, including the membrane bound chemokine, fractalkine; whereas UL33 remains an orphan receptor. There is emerging data that UL33 and US28 each contribute to HCMV associated disease, although no studies to date have reported their potential contribution to aberrant placental physiology that has been detected with HCMV congenital infection. We investigated the signaling repertoire of UL33 and US28 and their potential to enable trophoblast mobilization in vitro. Results demonstrate the constitutive activation of CREB by each vGPCR in ACIM-88 and HTR-8SVneo trophoblasts; constitutive NF-kB activation was detected for US28 only. Constitutive signaling by each vGPCR enabled trophoblast migration. For US28, fractalkine exhibited inverse agonist activity and dampened trophoblast migration. UL33 stimulated expression of both p38 mitogen activated (MAP) and Jun N-terminal (JNK) kinases; while p38 MAP kinase stimulated CREB, JNK was inhibitory, suggesting that UL33 dependent CREB activation was regulated by p38/JNK crosstalk. Given that chemokines and their receptors are important for placental development, these data point to the potential of HCMV UL33 and US28 to interfere with trophoblast responses which are important for normal placental development.


National Health and Medical Research Council

Queensland Health




Virology,Infectious Diseases

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