1. United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Country Office, Emergency Operation Centre, Wilkinson Road, Freetown 00232, Sierra Leone
2. World Health Organization Country Office, 21 A-B Riverside Drive, Off Kingharman Road, Freetown 00232, Sierra Leone
3. Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Fourth Floor, Youyi Building, Freetown 00232, Sierra Leone
4. College of Medicine and Allied Health Science, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown 00232, Sierra Leone
5. Ministry of Defence, Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, Freetown 00232, Sierra Leone
6. Department of Global Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
7. International Training and Education for Health, P.O. Box 30369 Lilongwe, Malawi
8. International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2 Rue Jean Lantier, 75001 Paris, France
9. International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, South-East Asia Office, C-6, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi 110016, India
10. Department of Community Medicine, Yenepoya Medical College, Yenepoya (Deemed to Be University), University Road, Deralakatte 75018, India
11. The Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), World Health Organization, Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland