Research Highlights: Frugivores able to disperse large seeds over large distances are indispensable for seedling recruitment, colonization and regeneration of tropical forests. Understanding their effectiveness as seed dispersal agents in degraded habitat is becoming a pressing issue because of escalating anthropogenic disturbance. Although of paramount importance in the matter, animal behaviour’s influence on seed shadows (i.e., seed deposition pattern of a plant population) is difficult to evaluate by direct observations. Background and Objectives: We illustrated a modeling approach of seed shadows incorporating field-collected data on a troop of northern pigtailed macaques (Macaca leonina) inhabiting a degraded forest fragment in Thailand, by implementing a mechanistic model of seed deposition with random components. Materials and Methods: We parameterized the mechanistic model of seed deposition with macaque feeding behavior (i.e., consumed fruit species, seed treatments), gut and cheek pouch retention time, location of feeding and sleeping sites, monthly photoperiod and movement patterns based on monthly native fruit availability using Hidden Markov models (HMM). Results: We found that northern pigtailed macaques dispersed at least 5.5% of the seeds into plantation forests, with a majority of medium- to large-seeded species across large distances (mean > 500 m, maximum range of 2300 m), promoting genetic mixing and colonization of plantation forests. Additionally, the macaques produced complementary seed shadows, with a sparse distribution of seeds spat out locally (mean >50 m, maximum range of 870 m) that probably ensures seedling recruitment of the immediate plant populations. Conclusions: Macaques’ large dispersal distance reliability is often underestimated and overlooked; however, their behavioral flexibility places them among the last remaining dispersers of large seeds in disturbed habitats. Our study shows that this taxon is likely to maintain significant seed dispersal services and promote forest regeneration in degraded forest fragments.
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