Exploring Tourist Experience through Online Reviews Using Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Zero-Shot Learning for Hospitality Service Enhancement


Nawawi Ibrahim1,Ilmawan Kurnia Fahmy2ORCID,Maarif Muhammad Rifqi3ORCID,Syafrudin Muhammad4ORCID


1. Department of Electrical, Mechatronics and Information Engineering, Tidar University, Magelang 56116, Indonesia

2. Department of Tourism, Tidar University, Magelang 56116, Indonesia

3. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Tidar University, Magelang 56116, Indonesia

4. Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea


Hospitality services play a crucial role in shaping tourist satisfaction and revisiting intention toward destinations. Traditional feedback methods like surveys often fail to capture the nuanced and real-time experiences of tourists. Digital platforms such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Google Reviews provide a rich source of user-generated content, but the sheer volume of reviews makes manual analysis impractical. This study proposes integrating aspect-based sentiment analysis with zero-shot learning to analyze online tourist reviews effectively without requiring extensive annotated datasets. Using pretrained models like RoBERTa, the research framework involves keyword extraction, sentence segment detection, aspect construction, and sentiment polarity measurement. The dataset, sourced from TripAdvisor reviews of attractions, hotels, and restaurants in Central Java, Indonesia, underwent preprocessing to ensure suitability for analysis. The results highlight the importance of aspects such as food, accommodation, and cultural experiences in tourist satisfaction. The findings indicate a need for continuous service improvement to meet evolving tourist expectations, demonstrating the potential of advanced natural language processing techniques in enhancing hospitality services and customer satisfaction.



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