Hydrochar Application Improves Growth and Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency of Populus alba, Especially during Hot Season


Battipaglia Giovanna1ORCID,Niccoli Francesco1ORCID,Kabala Jerzy Piotr1ORCID,Marzaioli Rossana1,Di Santo Teresa1,Strumia Sandro1ORCID,Castaldi Simona1ORCID,Petriccione Milena2,Zaccariello Lucio1ORCID,Battaglia Daniele1ORCID,Mastellone Maria Laura1,Coppola Elio1,Rutigliano Flora Angela1


1. Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Via Vivaldi 43, 81100 Caserta, Italy

2. Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA), Research Centre for Olive, Fruits and Citrus Crops, Via Torrino 3, 81100 Caserta, Italy


Hydrochar, carbon-rich material produced during the thermochemical processing of biomass, is receiving increased attention due to its potential value as soil amendment. It can increase agroforestry systems’ productivity through direct and indirect effects on growth and soil quality. Hydrochar may also directly help mitigate climate change by sequestering stable carbon compounds in the soil and perhaps indirectly through increased C uptake by trees. In this research, we aim to evaluate how the application of hydrochar produced by two feedstock types, Cynara cardunculus L. (Hc) residuals and sewage sludge (Hs), and in two different doses (3 and 6 kg m−2) could improve the growth and water use efficiency of Populus alba L., a fast-growing tree species largely used in agroforestry as bioenergy crops and in C sequestration. We considered five plants per treatment, and we measured apical growth, secondary growth, leaf area and intrinsic water use efficiency in each plant for the whole growing season from February to October 2022. Our results highlighted that hydrochar applications stimulate the growth and water use efficiency of plants and that the double dose (6 kg m−2) of both hydrochars, and particularly Hc, had positive effects on plant performance, especially during extremely hot periods. Indeed, the year 2022 was characterized by a heat wave during the summer period, and this condition allowed us to evaluate how plants, growing in soils amended with hydrochar, could perform under climate extremes. Our findings showed that the control plants experienced severe damage in terms of dried stems and dried leaves during summer 2022, while hydrochar applications reduced these effects.





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