Oral Mucosa in Cancer Patients—Putting the Pieces Together: A Narrative Review and New Perspectives


Reuss Jose Manuel1,Alonso-Gamo Laura2,Garcia-Aranda Mariola3,Reuss Debora4,Albi Manuel5,Albi Beatriz6,Vilaboa Debora7,Vilaboa Beatriz8


1. Department of Postgraduate Prosthodontics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain

2. Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Infanta Cristina, 28981 Madrid, Spain

3. Centro Integral Oncológico Clara Campal, Department of Oncologic Radiotherapy, Hospital Universitario Sanchinarro, 28050 Madrid, Spain

4. Lecturer Dental School, Universidad San Pablo CEU, 28003 Madrid, Spain

5. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Quironsalud Group Public Hospitals, 28223 Madrid, Spain

6. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, 28040 Madrid, Spain

7. Aesthetic Dentistry Department, Universidad San Pablo CEU, 28003 Madrid, Spain

8. Clínica Vilaboa, 28001 Madrid, Spain


The oral mucosa is a key player in cancer patients and during cancer treatment. The increasing prevalence of cancer and cancer-therapy-associated side effects are behind the major role that oral mucosa plays in oncological patients. Oral mucositis is a debilitating severe complication caused by the early toxicity of chemo and/or radiotherapy that can restrict treatment outcome possibilities, even challenging a patient’s survival. It has been referred to as the most feared cancer treatment complication. Predictive variables as to who will be affected, and to what extent, are still unclear. Additionally, oral mucositis is one of the sources of the increasing economic burden of cancer, not only for patients and their families but also for institutions and governments. All efforts should be implemented in the search for new approaches to minimize the apparently ineluctable outburst of oral mucositis during cancer treatment. New perspectives derived from different approaches to explaining the interrelation between oral mucositis and the oral microbiome or the similarities with genitourinary mucosa may help elucidate the biomolecular pathways and mechanisms behind oral mucosa cancer-therapy-related toxicity, and what is more important is its management in order to minimize treatment side effects and provide enhanced cancer support.




Cancer Research,Oncology








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