Large amounts of high quality biophysical data are needed to improve current biological effects models but such data are lacking and difficult to obtain. The present study aimed to more efficiently measure the spatial distribution of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of charged particle beams using a novel high-accuracy and high-throughput experimental platform. Clonogenic survival was selected as the biological endpoint for two lung cancer cell lines, H460 and H1437, irradiated with protons, carbon, and helium ions. Ion-specific multi-step microplate holders were fabricated such that each column of a 96-well microplate is spatially situated at a different location along a particle beam path. Dose, dose-averaged linear energy transfer (LETd), and dose-mean lineal energy (yd) were calculated using an experimentally validated Geant4-based Monte Carlo system. Cells were irradiated at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT). The experimental results showed that the clonogenic survival curves of all tested ions were yd-dependent. Both helium and carbon ions achieved maximum RBEs within specific yd ranges before biological efficacy declined, indicating an overkill effect. For protons, no overkill was observed, but RBE increased distal to the Bragg peak. Measured RBE profiles strongly depend on the physical characteristics such as yd and are ion specific.
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19 articles.