Adequacy of Pain Management in Patients Referred for Radiation Therapy: A Subanalysis of the Multicenter ARISE-1 Study


Donati Costanza M.12,Maggiore Chiara Maria2,Maltoni Marco23,Rossi Romina24,Nardi Elena56ORCID,Zamagni Alice2,Siepe Giambattista1,Mammini Filippo12,Cellini Francesco78ORCID,Di Rito Alessia9ORCID,Portaluri Maurizio10,De Tommaso Cristina10,Santacaterina Anna11,Tamburella Consuelo11ORCID,Di Franco Rossella12ORCID,Parisi Salvatore13,Cossa Sabrina13,Fusco Vincenzo14,Bianculli Antonella14,Ziccarelli Pierpaolo15,Ziccarelli Luigi15,Genovesi Domenico16,Caravatta Luciana16,Deodato Francesco817,Macchia Gabriella17ORCID,Fiorica Francesco18ORCID,Napoli Giuseppe18,Buwenge Milly2,Morganti Alessio G.12ORCID


1. Radiation Oncology Unit, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, 40138 Bologna, Italy

2. Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC), Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, 40138 Bologna, Italy

3. Medical Oncology Unit, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, 40138 Bologna, Italy

4. Palliative Care Unit, AUSL Romagna, 40121 Forlì, Italy

5. Cardiology Unit, Cardiac Thoracic and Vascular Department, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, 40138 Bologna, Italy

6. Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine, University of Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy

7. Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche, Radioterapiche ed Ematologiche, IRCCS, UOC di Radioterapia, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, 00168 Roma, Italy

8. Istituto di Radiologia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 00168 Roma, Italy

9. IRCCS Istituto Tumori “Giovanni Paolo II”, 70124 Bari, Italy

10. General Hospital “Perrino”, 72100 Brindisi, Italy

11. U.O. di Radioterapia AOOR PAPARDO PIEMONTE, 98121 Messina, Italy

12. S.C. di Radioterapia dell’Istituto Nazionale Tumori Pascale, 80131 Napoli, Italy

13. Radioterapia Opera di S. Pio da Pietralcina, Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, 71013 San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy

14. IRCCS CROB, 85028 Rionero in Vulture, Italy

15. U.O. Radioterapia Oncologica, S.O. Mariano Santo, 87100 Cosenza, Italy

16. Radiation Oncology Unit, Università degli Studi G. D’Annunzio, 66100 Chieti, Italy

17. Radiotherapy Unit, Gemelli Molise Hospital, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, 86100 Campobasso, Italy

18. U.O.C. di Radioterapia e Medicina Nucleare, Ospedale Mater Salutis di Legnago, 37045 Verona, Italy


Background: Pain is a prevalent symptom among cancer patients, and its management is crucial for improving their quality of life. However, pain management in cancer patients referred to radiotherapy (RT) departments is often inadequate, and limited research has been conducted on this specific population. This study aimed to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of pain management when patients are referred for RT. Moreover, we explored potential predictors of adequate pain management. Methods: This observational, prospective, multicenter cohort study included cancer patients aged 18 years or older who were referred to RT departments. A pain management assessment was conducted using the Pain Management Index (PMI), calculated by subtracting the pain score from the analgesic score (PMI < 0 indicated inadequate pain management). Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify predictors of adequate pain management. Results: A total of 1042 cancer outpatients were included in the study. The analysis revealed that 42.9% of patients with pain did not receive adequate pain management based on PMI values. Among patients with pain or taking analgesics and referred to palliative or curative RT, 72% and 75% had inadequate or ineffective analgesic therapy, respectively. The odds of receiving adequate pain management (PMI ≥ 0) were higher in patients undergoing palliative RT (OR 2.52; p < 0.001), with worse ECOG-PS scores of 2, 3 and 4 (OR 1.63, 2.23, 5.31, respectively; p: 0.017, 0.002, 0.009, respectively) compared to a score of 1 for those with cancer-related pain (OR 0.38; p < 0.001), and treated in northern Italy compared to central and southern of Italy (OR 0.25, 0.42, respectively; p < 0.001). Conclusions: In this study, a substantial proportion of cancer patients referred to RT departments did not receive adequate pain management. Educational and organizational strategies are necessary to address the inadequate pain management observed in this population. Moreover, increasing the attention paid to non-cancer pain and an earlier referral of patients for palliative RT in the course of the disease may improve pain response and treatment outcomes.




Cancer Research,Oncology







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