1. Graduate School of Public Health, St. Luke’s International University, Tokyo 104-004, Japan
2. Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Hokkaido 060-8638, Japan
3. Breast and Thyroid Center, Jyoban Hospital of Tokiwa Foundation, Fukushima 972-8322, Japan
4. Medical Governance Research Institute, Tokyo 108-0074, Japan
5. Department of Internal Medicine, Soma Central Hospital, Fukushima 976-0011, Japan
6. Department of Radiation Health Management, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima 960-1295, Japan
7. Center for Infectious Disease Education and Research, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
8. Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575, Japan
9. Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Miyagi 980-0872, Japan
10. Cancer Control Center, Osaka International Cancer Institute, Osaka 541-8567, Japan