Histopathologic and MR Imaging Appearance of Spontaneous and Radiation-Induced Necrosis in Uveal Melanomas: Initial Results


Foti Pietro ValerioORCID,Inì CorradoORCID,Broggi GiuseppeORCID,Farina Renato,Palmucci StefanoORCID,Spatola Corrado,Liardo Rocco Luca Emanuele,Milazzotto RobertoORCID,Raffaele Luigi,Salamone Vincenzo,Caltabiano RosarioORCID,Puzzo Lidia,Russo AndreaORCID,Reibaldi MicheleORCID,Longo Antonio,Vigneri Paolo,Venturini Massimo,Giurazza Francesco,Avitabile Teresio,Basile Antonio


Necrosis in uveal melanomas can be spontaneous or induced by radiotherapy. The purpose of our study was to compare the histopathologic and MRI findings of radiation-induced necrosis of a group of proton beam-irradiated uveal melanomas with those of spontaneous necrosis of a control group of patients undergoing primary enucleation. 11 uveal melanomas who had undergone proton beam radiotherapy, MRI and secondary enucleation, and a control group of 15 untreated uveal melanomas who had undergone MRI and primary enucleation were retrospectively identified. Within the irradiated and nonirradiated group, 7 and 6 eyes with histological evidence of necrosis respectively, were furtherly selected for the final analysis; the appearance of necrosis was assessed at histopathologic examination and MRI. Irradiated melanomas showed a higher degree of necrosis as compared with nonirradiated tumors. Irradiated and nonirradiated lesions differed based on the appearance and distribution of necrosis. Irradiated tumors showed large necrotic foci, sharply demarcated from the viable neoplastic tissue; nonirradiated tumors demonstrated small, distinct foci of necrosis. Radiation-induced necrosis, more pigmented than surrounding viable tumor, displayed high signal intensity on T1-weighted and low signal intensity on T2-weighted images. The hemorrhagic/coagulative necrosis, more prevalent in nonirradiated tumors (4 out of 6 vs. 1 out of 7 cases), appeared hyperintense on T2-weighted and hypointense on T1-weighted images. Our study boosts the capability to recognize radiation-induced alterations in uveal melanomas at MRI and may improve the accuracy of radiologists in the evaluation of follow-up MR examination after radiotherapy.


University of Catania




Cancer Research,Oncology








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