1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Augsburg, Stenglinstrasse 2, 86156 Augsburg, Germany
2. Department of Data Management and Clinical Decision Support, Faculty of Medicine, University of Augsburg, 86159 Augsburg, Germany
3. Translational Research Unit, Montpellier Cancer Institute Val d’Aurelle, 208 rue des Apothicaires, F-34298 Montpellier, France
4. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Marchioninistraße 15, 81377 Munich, Germany
5. Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier (IRCM), INSERM U1194, Université Montpellier, CNRS, F-34298 Montpellier, France