Kinase Inhibitor Treatment of Patients with Advanced Cancer Results in High Tumor Drug Concentrations and in Specific Alterations of the Tumor Phosphoproteome


Labots Mariette,Pham Thang V.,Honeywell Richard J.,Knol Jaco C.,Beekhof Robin,de Goeij-de Haas RichardORCID,Dekker HenkORCID,Neerincx Maarten,Piersma Sander R.,van der Mijn Johannes C.,van der Peet Donald L.,Meijerink Martijn R.ORCID,Peters Godefridus J.ORCID,van Grieken Nicole C.T.ORCID,Jiménez Connie R.,Verheul Henk M.W.ORCID


Identification of predictive biomarkers for targeted therapies requires information on drug exposure at the target site as well as its effect on the signaling context of a tumor. To obtain more insight in the clinical mechanism of action of protein kinase inhibitors (PKIs), we studied tumor drug concentrations of protein kinase inhibitors (PKIs) and their effect on the tyrosine-(pTyr)-phosphoproteome in patients with advanced cancer. Tumor biopsies were obtained from 31 patients with advanced cancer before and after 2 weeks of treatment with sorafenib (SOR), erlotinib (ERL), dasatinib (DAS), vemurafenib (VEM), sunitinib (SUN) or everolimus (EVE). Tumor concentrations were determined by LC-MS/MS. pTyr-phosphoproteomics was performed by pTyr-immunoprecipitation followed by LC-MS/MS. Median tumor concentrations were 2–10 µM for SOR, ERL, DAS, SUN, EVE and >1 mM for VEM. These were 2–178 × higher than median plasma concentrations. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of pTyr-phosphopeptide intensities revealed patient-specific clustering of pre- and on-treatment profiles. Drug-specific alterations of peptide phosphorylation was demonstrated by marginal overlap of robustly up- and downregulated phosphopeptides. These findings demonstrate that tumor drug concentrations are higher than anticipated and result in drug specific alterations of the phosphoproteome. Further development of phosphoproteomics-based personalized medicine is warranted.




Cancer Research,Oncology







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