Shear Capacity and Behaviour of Bending Reinforced Concrete Beams Made of Steel Fibre-Reinforced Waste Sand Concrete


Lehmann Marek,Głodkowska Wiesława


Inthis paper, we report the results of our research on reinforced concrete beams made of fine aggregate fibre composite, with the addition of steel fibres at 1.2% of the composite volume. The fine aggregate fibre composite is a novel construction material, in which the aggregate used is a post-production waste. Twenty reinforced concrete beams with varying degree of shear reinforcement, in the form of stirrups with and without the addition of steel fibres, tested under loading. The shear capacity results of reinforced concrete beams made of the fine aggregate fibre composite being bent by a transversal force, as well as the cracking forces causing the appearance of the first diagonal crack, are discussed. The stages of functioning of such elements are described. Furthermore, the effect of the steel fibres on the reduction of diagonal cracking is analysed. Computation of the shear capacity of the tested elements is performed, based on the Model Code 2010 and RILEM TC-162 TDF standards, for two variants of the compression strut inclination angle θ that measured during testing, and the minimum(in accordance with the Model Code 2010 standard). We found that the SMCFT method part of Model Code 2010 showed the best compatibility with the experimental results. The tests and analyses performed demonstrate that the developed novel fibrecomposite—the properties of which are close to, or better than, those of the ordinary concrete—can be used successfully for the manufacturing of construction elements in the shear capacity aspect. The developed fine aggregate fibrecomposite could serve, in some applications, as an alternative to ordinary concrete.




General Materials Science







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