Marine Antioxidants from Marine Collagen and Collagen Peptides with Nutraceuticals Applications: A Review


Cadar Emin1ORCID,Pesterau Ana-Maria2,Prasacu Irina3,Ionescu Ana-Maria45,Pascale Carolina2ORCID,Dragan Ana-Maria Laura2,Sirbu Rodica2,Tomescu Cezar Laurentiu46ORCID


1. Faculty of Pharmacy, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Capitan Aviator Al. Serbanescu Street, No. 6, Campus, Building C, 900470 Constanta, Romania

2. Organizing Institution for Doctoral University Studies of “Carol Davila”, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest, Dionisie Lupu Street, No. 37, Sector 2, 020021 Bucharest, Romania

3. Faculty of Pharmacy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest, Traian Vuia Street, No. 6, Sector 2, 020021 Bucharest, Romania

4. Faculty of Medicine, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, University Alley, No. 1, Campus, Building B, 900470 Constanta, Romania

5. Clinical Hospital C F Constanta, 1 Mai Bvd., No. 3–5, 900123 Constanta, Romania

6. “Sf. Ap. Andrei” County Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bvd. Tomis, No. 145, 900591 Constanta, Romania


Collagen peptides and marine collagen are enormous resources currently utilized. This review aims to examine the scientific literature to determine which collagen peptides derived from marine sources and which natural active antioxidants from marine collagen have significant biological effects as health-promoting nutraceuticals. Marine collagen is extracted from both vertebrate and invertebrate marine creatures. For vertebrates, this includes fish skin, bones, scales, fins, and cartilage. For invertebrates, it includes mollusks, echinoderms, crustaceans, and poriferans. The method used involved data analysis to organize information for isolating and identifying marine biocompounds with antioxidant properties. Specifically, amino acids with antioxidant properties were identified, enabling the use of hydrolysates and collagen peptides as natural antioxidant nutraceuticals. The methods of extraction of hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptides by different treatments are systematized. The structural characteristics of collagen, collagen peptides, and amino acids in fish skin and by-products, as well as in invertebrate organisms (jellyfish, mollusks, and crustaceans), are described. The antioxidant properties of different methods of collagen hydrolysates and collagen peptides are systematized, and the results are comparatively analyzed. Their use as natural antioxidant nutraceuticals expands the range of possibilities for the exploitation of natural resources that have not been widely used until now.









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