A Systematic Literature Review on Migration and Remittances in Mountainous Regions: Key Takeaways for Phuthaditjhaba, Free State, South Africa


Sunge Regret1ORCID,Mudzingiri Calvin1ORCID


1. Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, University of Free State, Phuthaditjhaba 9866, Free State, South Africa


Remittances are essential to the sustainability of economies in mountainous regions that face massive labour migration due to limited income generation and employment opportunities. In 2021, the share of remittances in GDP in the top 10 mountainous economies in the world was over 20%. Nonetheless, most are characterised by relatively lower GDP per capita and high poverty levels. Drawing a comparison with other mountainous areas, Phuthaditjhaba, an emerging mountainous city of South Africa on the border with Lesotho, faces similar out-migration and inferior socio-economic parameters. A global systematic literature review on the impact of remittances on livelihoods, specifically targeting mountainous areas, is missing. We, therefore, interrogate the role that remittances can play in Phuthaditjhaba. To inform our intended research, we seek to draw lessons from evidence on how migration and remittances affect mountainous communities globally. Accordingly, we carry out a systematic literature review (SLR) based on an updated Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) 2020 statement supported by bibliometric (co-word) analysis (BA) in VOSViewer. We collected data from the Scopus and Dimensions websites and drew 165 publications, of which only 88 were included after exclusion and inclusion assessments. The PRISMA results show that Mountain Research and Development, Russell King, and Nepal are the most productive and cited journal, the most productive and cited author, and the most researched country, respectively. The bibliometric analysis on keyword co-occurrences revealed that women, agriculture, labour migration, land management, forest, and poverty are the research hotspots. In light of these findings, we proffer important recommendations for future researchers and policymakers and identify thematic research areas for Phuthaditjhaba.


South African Department of Science & Innovation and National Research Foundation (DSI-NRF) Risk & Vulnerability Science Centre

ARU, University of the Free State




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

Reference143 articles.

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3. Wester, P., Mishra, A., Mukherji, A., and Shrestha, A.B. (2019). The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People, Springer Nature.

4. Food and Agriculture Organization (2020). Vulnerability of Mountain Peoples to Food Insecurity: Updated Data and Analysis of Drivers, Food and Agriculture Organization.

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