Marked Range Regression and Possible Alteration of Distribution of the Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti in Tunisia: Conservation Consequences of Vanishing Alfa Grass Stipa tenacissima Steppes in North Africa


Viñuela Javier1ORCID,García Jesus T.1ORCID,Suárez Francisco2


1. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC, CSIC-UCLM-JCCM), Ronda de Toledo 12, E-13071 Ciudad Real, Spain

2. Departamento de Ecología, Universidad Autónoma, Darwin 10, E-28049 Madrid, Spain


The effect of global warming and desertification on bird populations of semi-arid North African ecosystems has been little studied, although ecosystems in those areas are suffering dramatic changes. Dupont’s lark is one of the most endangered passerines in Europe, but it is also considered scarce in North Africa, where its range and numbers are only well known for Morocco. We analyzed the current distribution and population size of Dupont’s lark in Tunisia and compared the current figures with older data. To assess the presence of the species in the patches of adequate habitat that we found, we elicited territorial calls by broadcasting the males’ territorial songs during early breeding season (N = 123, ≈40 h). Fieldwork (45 persons/day) and analysis of satellite images were combined to determine the current minimal extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, following IUCN definitions. In the only habitat where we found the species (well-preserved pure or mixed alfa patches in the Feriana-Kasserine region), the extent of occurrence in and effective area of occupancy were small (56.3 and 33.2 km2, respectively), particularly when compared with previous estimates (presence of the species in adequate habitat over ca. 89,000 km2). The species has not been detected at all in a large area in the southern part of its potential range, where additional surveys are urgently needed to locate possible remnant small and isolated populations that could persist, as suggested by two recent records of the species there. The breeding population of Dupont’s lark in Tunisia is estimated to be fewer than 600 song birds (335–577). The drastic reduction of range and numbers of this species must have been caused by the disappearance or degradation of alfa grasslands due to agricultural development, overgrazing, and increased aridity.




Nature and Landscape Conservation,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous),Ecological Modeling,Ecology

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