Improvement of the Methodology for the Assessment of the Agro-Resource Potential of Agricultural Landscapes


Mustafayev Zhumakhan1ORCID,Medeu Akhmetkal1,Skorintseva Irina1,Bassova Tatiana1,Aldazhanova Gulnar1ORCID


1. Department of Landscape Study and Problems of Nature Management, Institute of Geography and Water Security Science Committee, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan


The purpose of this study was the scientific justification of the concept of assessment of the agro-resource potential of agricultural landscapes and the improvement of the methodology for such assessment, on the basis of knowledge integration principles that allow for the combining of various fields of science in order to create an integrated methodological approach to addressing scientific and practical problems of environmental management. Based on the analysis of modern worldviews and natural scientific ideas on the mechanisms of biomass production in natural systems, we propose a methodology for the assessment of the agro-resource potential of agricultural landscapes that is an integral function of four key components (groups of factors)—agroclimatic resources (ACR), soil–land resources (SLR), agrobiological resources (ABR) and water resources (WR)—and that is based on the laws of nature and the principles of agricultural nature management. The proposed algorithm for predicting the natural state of agricultural landscapes based on agroclimatic, agrochemical and agrobiological integrated indexes allowed us to develop a unified integrated approach to the methodology for the assessment of the agro-resource potential of agricultural landscapes that makes it possible to determine the logical sequence of the trend of changes in the natural process, fully characterizing its state in the space–time scale.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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