Slezák P,Waczulíková I,Bališ P,Púzserová A
Wire myograph is a device for the in vitro investigation of both,
active and passive properties of arteries. Arteries from a variety
of animal species, pathological states, and vascular beds were
investigated using this method. We focus on the normalization
procedure which is aimed to standardize experimental settings
and, in part, to simulate physiological conditions. During
normalization, it is determined the internal circumference of a
vessel stretched to a tension that corresponds to the transmural
pressure of 100 mm Hg (IC100). Once it is determined, the
internal circumference is traditionally set to (0.9⋅IC100).
However, this constant 0.9, called also the normalization factor
(NF), was experimentally determined for rat small mesenteric
arteries only. Therefore, the aim of our work was to show the
influence of different NFs on the passive tension and reactivity of
both, rat femoral arteries (FA) and the first branches of superior
mesenteric arteries (MA). We found out that the maximal active
wall tension of the FA was achieved at the NF value of 1.1, and
that of the MA at 0.9. Considering the values of the active wall
tension we suggest that higher reactivity and better signal-tonoise ratio in FA can be achieved when the NF is set at least to 1.0.
Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
General Medicine,Physiology
Cited by
14 articles.