Uridine – An Indicator of Post-Exercise Uric Acid Concentration and Blood Pressure




1. Department of Physiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland


Studies have shown that uridine concentration in plasma may be an indicator of uric acid production in patients with gout. It has been also postulated that uridine takes part in blood pressure regulation. Since physical exercise is an effective tool in treatment and prevention of cardio-vascular diseases that are often accompanied by hyperuricemia and hypertension, it seemed advisable to attempt to evaluate the relationship between oxypurine concentrations (Hyp, Xan and UA) and that of Urd and BP after physical exercise in healthy subjects. Sixty healthy men (17.2±1.71 years, BMI 23.2±2.31 kg m−2, VO2max 54.7±6.48 ml kg−1 min−1) took part in the study. The subjects performed a single maximal physical exercise on a bicycle ergometer. Blood for analyses was sampled three times: immediately before exercise, immediately after exercise, and in the 30th min of rest. Concentrations of uridine and hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid were determined in whole blood using high-performance liquid chromatography. We have shown in this study that the maximal exercise-induced increase of uridine concentration correlates with the post-exercise increase of uric acid concentration and systolic blood pressure. The results of our study show a relationship between uridine concentration in blood and uric acid concentration and blood pressure. We have been the first to demonstrate that a maximal exercise-induced increase in uridine concentration is correlated with the post-exercise and recovery-continued increase of uric acid concentration in healthy subjects. Thus, it appears that uridine may be an indicator of post-exercise hyperuricemia and blood pressure.


Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences


General Medicine,Physiology

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