Petrovic MM,Vales K,Putnikovic B,Djulejic V,Mitrovic DM
We present a review about the relationship between ryanodine
receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels in myocardium,
and also how both of them are related to protein kinase A.
Ryanodine receptors, which have three subtypes (RyR1-3), are
located on the membrane of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Different
subtypes of voltage-gated calcium channels interact with
ryanodine receptors in skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue. The
mechanism of excitation-contraction coupling is therefore
different in the skeletal and cardiac muscle. However, in both
tissues ryanodine receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels
seem to be physically connected. FK-506 binding proteins
(FKBPs) are bound to ryanodine receptors, thus allowing their
concerted activity, called coupled gating. The activity of both
ryanodine receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels is
positively regulated by protein kinase A. These effects are,
therefore, components of the mechanism of sympathetic
stimulation of myocytes. The specificity of this enzyme’s targeting
is achieved by using different A kinase adapting proteins.
Different diseases are related to inborn or acquired changes in
ryanodine receptor activity in cardiac myocytes. Mutations in the
cardiac ryanodine receptor gene can cause catecholamineprovoked ventricular tachycardia. Changes in phosphorylation
state of ryanodine receptors can provide a credible explanation
for the development of heart failure. The restoration of their
normal level of phosphorylation could explain the positive effect
of beta-blockers in the treatment of this disease. In conclusion,
molecular interactions of ryanodine receptors and voltage-gated
calcium channels with PKA have a significant physiological role.
However, their defects and alterations can result in serious
Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
General Medicine,Physiology
Cited by
20 articles.