1. Appalachian Regional Commission. 1996. General Economic Indicators: Appalachia and United States, 1965-Latest Data Available. 1 August.
2. Babcock, Barbara. (1977) 1984."The Story in the Story: Metanarration in Folk Narrative." In Verbal Art As Performance, ed. Richard Bauman, 61-79. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
3. Bauman, Richard. 1986. Story, Performance, and Event. Contextual Studies of Oral Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4. Bauman, Richard, and Donald Braid. 1998. "The Ethnography of Performance in the Study of Oral Traditions." In Teaching Oral Traditions, ed. John Miles Foley. New York: The Modern Language Association.
5. Poetics and Performances as Critical Perspectives on Language and Social Life