1. Aristotle. 1933. Metaphysics, Books I-IX. Translated by Hugh Tredennick. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
2. - 1957. Physics, Books I-IV. Translated by Philip H. Wicksteed and Francis M. Cornford. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
3. - 1979. The Generation of Animals. Translated by A. L. Peck. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
4. Bacon, Francis. 1980. The Great Instauration and New Atlantis. Edited by J. Weinberger. Arlington Heights, IL: Harlan Davidson.
5. Baker, Victoria. 2000. "Conversing with the Earth: The Geological Approach to Understanding." In Earth Matters (pp. 2-10), edited by Robert Frodeman.