1. Inside or Outside? The Politics of Family and Medical Leave
2. Black, Naomi. 1989. Social Feminism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
3. Burstein, Paul, R. Marie Bricher, and Rathel L. Einwohner. 1992. "Work, Family, and the State: Congressional Proposals to Regulate the Relationship between Home and Work, 1945-1990." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, 3-6 September, Chicago, IL.
4. CAWP (Center for the American Woman and Politics). 2000. "Women in the U.S. Congress: Fact Sheet." New Brunswick, NJ: National Information Bank on Women in Public Office, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University.
5. Congressional Digest. 1993. "Family and Medical Leave Legislation." 72(1):1-32.