1. Bowles, Gloria, ed. 1984. Strategies for Women's Studies in the Eighties. Special issue of Women's Studies International Forum 7(3).
2. Bowles, Gloria, and Renate Duelli-Klein, eds. 1983. Theories of Women's Studies. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1981. Theories of Women's Studies II. Berkeley: Women's Studies Program,
3. University of California. 1980. Theories of Women's Studies. Berkeley: Women's Studies Program,
4. Unruly Knowledge: Women's Studies and the Problem of Disciplinarity
5. Gore, Susan. 1982. "Welcome." Program from the Fourth Annual National Women's Studies Association Conference, Feminist Connections Throughout Education. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, 16-20 June.