Literature Review for the Type of Interview in Qualitative Research


Adhabi Essa Ali R,Anozie Christina B Lash


In carrying out qualitative studies, the important issue is the quality of data collected, which is dependent on the mode of data collection used. The interview is one of the data collection techniques for qualitative researchers. Distinct from other methods, interviews have unique features that make them superior. As such, the current study explores relevant issues that are linked to interviews, especially aspects that make them central to qualitative data collection. Besides the historical appeal, the discussion covers the advantages a researcher experiences while using interviews to collect data. They require a personal commitment of both the participant and researcher. Significantly, time and resource allocation are also required. With the emerging technology, implementation of the interview process is becoming flexible thus moving away from the rigid face to face mode. Besides their strengths, there are also challenges and ethical dilemmas that are linked to interviews. As a perfect qualitative data collection method, researchers have professional issues that they have a deal with throughout the process. The link between all these issues is the subject area of the current discussion, which tackles each factor separately.


Macrothink Institute, Inc.







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