In the quasiclassical regime of quantum turbulence, it has long been hypothesized that there exist coherent vortical structures, made up of bundles of quantized vortices. More recently, there has been significant experimental evidence that points to their presence. Here, we perform a quantitative study of the reconnection of bundles of quantized vorticity and show that the approach and separation of bundles during a reconnection is consistent with the symmetric δ ∼ t^1/2 scaling which is consistent with studies of individual quantized vortex reconnection and classical vortex reconnections. We also examined the phenomena of “bridge” structures that form between the vortex bundles during the reconnection process and have also been observed during the reconnection of classical vortices. We study their persistence and suggest that their dissipation is driven by vortex-vortex interactions within the bridge itself.