Synthesis and Structural Investigations of 1, 2-bis(2-ethoxybenzylidene)hydrazine






The titled compound, 1,2-bis(2-ethoxybenzylidene) hydrazine was developed using the reaction of 2-ethoxybenzaldehyde and hydrazine monohydrate in an ethanolic solution. In the Schiff-based hydrazine compound, C18H20N2O2, the mid-point of the nitrogen atoms of the central hydrazine moiety is located in inversion symmetry. In C18H20N2O2, C−H···N hydrogen bond linked the molecules, and the framework stabilized by weak C−H···π and π···π stacking interactions. MEP, HOMO and LUMO analysis were performed with the DFT/B3LYP method and the 6-311+G(d,p) basis set. The energies of frontier orbitals were calculated to understand specific molecular properties such as electronegativity, chemical reactivity, chemical hardness and softness. For investigating the contributions of various intermolecular contacts within the hydrazine compound, Hirshfeld surface analysis was performed. The largest contribution of the compound to the main interactions comes from the H···H (64%), C···H (16%) and N···H (9%) interactions.


Sakarya University Journal of Science


General Medicine

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