Optimizing PMSM performance by integrating predictive current, speed and sliding mode flux weakening controllers


Kethiri Fadi Mohamed,Charrouf Omar


To improve the control performances of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs), this paper combines the sliding mode controller (SMC) and model predictive controller (MPC) to balance the contradictions between stability and dynamic performance, reduce current and torque ripples, and provide precise, complete current and speed control. At first, the MPC is employed to control the current and speed of motors, which could solve the chattering issue of the traditional sliding mode control method and effectively guarantee the stability of the control system. Second, a sliding mode observer (SMO) is incorporated to eliminate the interference of flux variation and then reduce the current and torque ripples. Meanwhile, the sliding mode controller is used to adjust the speed of motors and generate an adjustable switching surface to implement rapid and accurate control of the motor. This paper presents the design and realization process of each controller in detail, respectively shows the design principle of the combined controller and verifies the control effect of the combined controller under different motor speeds through simulation, and analyzes the control advantages and its application. The simulation results prove that the combined controller reduces the current and torque ripples to a certain extent in speed regulation, and the control performance is more stable and robust over a wide range of speed. In addition, this paper discusses the practical application of combined controllers in industrial and electric vehicle motor control in the later stages and presents the influence and significance of combined controllers on the efficiency and stability of PMSM control. From the perspective of application and system integration, the integrated design of SMC, SMO, and MPC can further promote the development of high-performance PMSM in the industrial and automotive industries in the future.


South Florida Publishing LLC

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