1. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
The purpose of the study is to analyze the priority areas and prospects for the development of the agro-industrial territorial cluster of the Southern macro-district of the Krasnoyarsk Region to increase competitiveness and ensure sustainable development of the region’s agricultural sector. The study was conducted on materials from the Krasnoyarsk Region according to the Federal State Statistics Service, accounting and financial statements of enterprises participating in the cluster. Research used theoretical and practical methods, including the study of scientific literature, statistical data analysis and strategic analysis methods. Based on the results of the study, it was established that, according to their production potential, the enterprises of the Southern Cluster can provide up to 65 % of the region’s needs for flour, up to 21 % for cereals, and up to 12 % for dairy products. The current reserves for growth in flour production volumes are 40 thousand tons, cereals – 5, mixed feed – 3, dairy products – 30–40 thousand tons, soft drinks – 1,7 million decaliters. To solve strategic development problems, cluster participants need to focus on such areas as the development of intra-cluster interaction and the formation of an effective organizational structure, the development of new products, penetration into new market segments, including exports, as well as the development of competencies for launching innovative projects. This process should be carried out through the implementation of joint projects on import substitution, the organization of joint logistics, as well as taking into account the development and implementation of innovative production technologies, the development of new products, expanding the number of cluster participants, training highly qualified personnel within the cluster, and lobbying for common interests at various sites.
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
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