
Semenihin Semen1,Fabrickaya Alla1,Gorodeckiy Vladimir1,Daisheva Nailya1,Kotlyarevskaya Natal'ya1,Lyusyy Natal'ya1,Usmanov Mirsabir1


1. Krasnodar Research Institute for Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products – branch of the North Caucasian FSC for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking


The aim of the study is to develop an algorithm for predicting the properties of pectin obtained from protopectin using enzymes. Objectives: to analyze the effect of various pectolytic enzymes on protopectin and to compile structural schemes for the transformation of the protopectin molecule. The paper presents data on the effect of the most common pectolytic enzymes – endopolygalacturonase, exopoly-galacturonase, pectin lyase, pectate lyase, pectin methylesterase, rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase and rhamnogalacturonan lyase on the chemical structure and predicted properties of the resulting pectin. Structural schemes for the transformation of the beet protopectin molecule under the influence of the above enzymes are presented. It has been shown that the use of endopolygalacturonases, exopolygalacturonases, pectin lyases and pectate lyases is ineffective for obtaining pectin, since these enzymes hydrolyze protopectin homogalacturonan to oligomers of galacturonic acid, which do not have the properties of pectin. It is noted that pectin methylesterases do not affect the size of the pectin molecule, but only reduce the degree of esterification. It has been established that rhamnogalacturonan hydrolases and rhamnogalacturonan lyases are the most promising enzymes for obtaining pectin from protopectin. It is noted that when using rhamnogalacturonan hydrolases, maximum preservation of the native properties of pectin is ensured, since the type of bonds inside the galacturonic acid molecules that form the main chain of homogalacturonan does not change, in contrast to the effect of rhamno¬galacturonan hydrolases, leading to the formation of double bonds between 4 and 5 carbon atoms in the terminal molecules of polygalacturonic acid. The use of rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase and rhamnogalacturonan lyase for obtaining pectin with the highest molecular weight is justified. Based on the analysis of the influence of the most common pectolytic enzymes on the chemical structure of pectin, an algorithm for predicting the properties of pectin has been developed, including 7 stages. Carrying out enzymatic hydrolysis of protopectin, according to the developed algorithm, will allow obtaining pectin with specified properties. The developed algorithm for predicting the properties of pectin can be used to deve¬lop the technology and modes of transformation of pectin-containing raw materials to obtain pectin with specified properties.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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