1. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
The aim of research is to evaluate the varieties of angustifolia lupine in terms of grain yield and adaptability parameters in the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. Long-term field experiments were carried out on the experimental field of the Borsky Scientific and Production Complex of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University in 2020–2022. The objects of the study are the varieties of narrow-leaved lupine: Vityaz, Belozerny 110, Belorozovy 144, Bryansky Kormovoy, Nadezhda, Siderat 46, Uzkolistny 53 and the SN 78-07 variety sample. Meteorological conditions during the years of the study varied. The 2020 growing season was warm and moisture-rich, the environmental conditions index (Ij) was 4.7. In 2021, during the main periods of growth and development, with the exception of the 3rd ten-day period of June, there was a significant moisture deficit against the background of air temperatures exceeding the climatic norm, the environmental conditions index was negative (–3.8). In 2022, uneven moisture was observed, sharp temperature changes at the beginning of plant development, the environmental conditions index was negative (–0.9). The average grain yield varied from 11.5 c/ha (variety Nadezhda) to 20.3 c/ha (variety Siderat 46). The contribution of the "vegetation conditions" factor to the formation of the lupine grain yield was 60.8 %, the contribution of the "variety" factor was 31.2 %. The varieties Belozerny 110 (bi = 1.16) and Siderat 46 (bi = 1.39) have high ecological plasticity. The highest ecological stability was noted in the varieties Siderat 46 and Uzkolistny 53, in both genotypes Sd2 = 0.02. The Vityaz variety surpasses other varieties in stress resistance. The highest genetic flexibility was demonstrated by the varieties Siderat 46, Vityaz, Belorozovy 144 and the variety sample SN 78-07. The yield range was 34.4 % (Vityaz) – 50.0 % (Nadezhda). In gene¬ral, according to the adaptive capabilities, the varieties of narrow-leaved lupine were distributed according to a decreasing trend as follows: Siderat 46 > Vityaz > SN 78-7 = Narrow-leaved 53 > Belorozovy 144 > Belozerny 110 > Nadezhda > Bryansky Kormovoy.
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
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