
Triputin Vladimir1,Kashuba Yuriy1,Kovtunenko Andrey1


1. Omsk Agricultural Research Center


The objective of the study is to evaluate the new variety of tetraploid winter rye Sibir' 5 in terms of yield and grain quality, and elements of crop structure. The experiments were conducted in 2021–2023 in the fields of the Omsk Agricultural Research Center. The object of research was tetraploid rye varieties from competitive variety testing of the winter crop selection laboratory. Sibir' 5 variety was obtained by individual-family selection from a combination of crossing Yubileynaya 25 / Tetra korotkaya. The growing season of the new variety is 327 days. Winter hardiness of Sibir' 5 variety is at the level of the standard Sibir variety (95 versus 96 %). The new variety is resistant to shattering (5 points) and lodging (4.4 points). Sibir' 5 va¬riety is more productive than Sibir' and Sibir' 4 winter rye varieties previously created in the laboratory. The excess in grain yield amounted to 0.43 to 0.49 t/ha. The new variety is less tall. Sibir' 5 variety is distinguished by better expression of productive tillering, grain content and ear grain weight. Among the grain quality indicators, the new variety is characterized by a high falling number (171 s). Among the elements of the yield structure, it has an average level of variation in the ear grain content (17.1 %). This trait in all rye varieties is most closely associated with the ear grain weight (r = 0.854–0.897), and therefore selection by it will be more effective than by the weight of 1000 grains (r = 0.582–0.686). Sibir' 5 variety has been submitted for State Variety Testing in 2023 and is recommended for use in the Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian Regions.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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