1. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
The aim of the study is to find the strongest soil microorganisms from autochthonous microbial communities of Central Siberia against phytopathogenic micromycetes Alternaria tenuissima. The object of the study is autochthonous soil bacteria isolated from the soils of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe in the Sukhobuzimsky District. Soil samples were taken from under spring wheat Novosibirskaya 15 and from under perennial grasses. The soil cover is represented by ordinary leached chernozem. Ammonium nitrate was used (34.7 kg/ha active ingredient). The climatic conditions are moderately dry and continental. The studies were carried out in 2022–2023. Antagonistic activity was measured on the GRM Saburo. With a general growth of the test culture and soil bacteria, the strongest antagonists were found in the suppression zone of Alternaria tenuissima. The identification of the most powerful bacterial antagonists in reducing the intensity and prevalence of root rot was carried out using the method of artificial infection with Alternaria tenuissima. Before infection with micromycete, bacterization of spring wheat seeds Novosibirskaya 15 with the studied bacterial isolates was carried out. Mathematical processing of the obtained results was carried out by one-way variance analysis and two-sample F-test for variance. The results of the study on the use of soil autochthonous antagonist microorganisms in biological protection of spring wheat from the causative agents of root rot Alternaria tenuissima showed that the studied bacterial isolates statistically significantly (p < 0.01) reduced the intensity and prevalence of this disease. The maxi-mum effect in reducing the intensity and prevalence of the disease was shown by isolates B2 and B4. Also, the studied bacterial strains showed a significant effect (p < 0.001) on the length of sprouts. The greatest increase in length in spring wheat sprouts was in the experimental variant with strain B2. This strain can be recommended not only for protection against Alternaria tenuissima, but also for stimuli-ting wheat growth.
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
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